Pitching a tent in the waiting

How dreaming can unlock hope
I think dreaming is the antithesis of disappointment. The best way to move out of hopelessness is to start dreaming.
It gives us something worth waiting for. It’s how we come with humble discouragement and walk away with hope. It’s how we see the fruit growing on the tree.

Risk calls us into deeper love
I think one of the biggest things that gets in my way is the willingness to risk. I’m learning that even if something is wrapped in risk, it doesn’t mean it’s not good. There is wisdom and there is wildness – we can live in the middle.
"Let the good in without asking why it’s late or when it’s leaving." We miss out on joy when we make it a game of how to lose the least.

On emptyness and lack | Promise to unroll the map
If you leave the country, you can try to pack light — but your unfinished stories will still come with you. Two months away on a sabbatical is enough headspace to pull each story out of the bag, one by one: asking where they came from and where they’re trying to lead you.

What gives me hope | from the quarantine archives
We lifted the veil on things that were supposed to divide us beyond repair. We learned that hope that is seen is no hope at all.
Hope is always worth it. Even if we have to spend our whole lives looking.

Finding richness and savoring the year of 2020
The richest life and richest love are often not things we stumble into, but rather things we get to create.

Joy is not made to be a crumb
Not being afraid of the plenty. Inspired by “Don’t Hesitate” from Mary Oliver’s 2010 collection.
After 20 countries, I want to work on “staying”
New cities can charm us, but they do not slow down to learn your name. Mountains and empty buildings will never hold you the way your people can.
Your labor is not in vain
Your meekest "yes" can move mountains, even before there’s mud on your face to show for it.

What I would tell 18-year-old Emma
Turning my tassel at the University of Georgia was a surreal moment, to say the least.
A friend asked what I would tell myself if I could go back 4 years.